The Three Little Pigs
Sanbiki no Kobuta no ippiki ga One of the three Pig
Wara no ouchi o tatemashita built the straw house
Tontonton Ookami ga kite The
wolf came and knock the door
Futo fitara Wara no ouchi wa pesyanko The wolf blew at the house and it fall down
Sanbiki no Kobuta no ippiki ga One of the three Pig
Ki no ouchi o tatemashita built the wood house
Tontonton Ookami ga kite The
wolf came and knock the door
Futo fitara Ki no
ouchi wa pesyanko The
wolf blew at the house and it fall down
Sanbiki no Kobuta no ippiki ga One of the three Pig
Renga no ouchi o tatemashita built the brick house
Tontonton Ookami ga kite The
wolf came and knock the door
Futo fitara Renga no ouchi wa pesyanko The wolf blew at the house and it fall down